In these times we really do not have a choice but to learn, practice and follow the ancient teachings. Not only will our friends and family benefit, but the rest of the world as well. We all have the wisdom to create a wholesome, uplifted existence for ourselves and others.
We sometimes feel that a divine being is intervening in human affairs. There is no divine reason why things happen, we have to accept what happens as a natural and random occurrence in life. However, such a viewpoint does not preclude any notion of the divine.
Since the advent of civilization, we have exchanged our natural harmony for ego-orientated lifestyles. Clinging to our old habitual ways of doing things keeps us chained to a lifestyle that violates our true nature. We have the ways and means to liberate ourselves, just look.
True greatness depends on being in harmony with what is right and doing things in harmony with the established order. We should go on quietly and perseveringly, working at the removal of all resistance. The less power you apply outwardly, the greater the effect.
Quote: Don’t worry about life, just do it, you don’t have to be perfect.