What seems undesirable in our lives doesn’t have to trigger habitual reactions. We can let it remind us that the ancient teachings, encourage gentleness and loving kindness towards every moment. We can use them to encourage us to step out into that ambiguity.
We should not abandon faith in higher beings. Faith is a wonderful way of describing what happens to us. Faith does not have to be confirmed by some objective occurrence, good and bad things happen. If we strive to become better people, then faith has results.
There are three things to treasure: simplicity, patience, and compassion. Simple in your actions and thoughts and you return to the source. Patience with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassion towards yourself and your life will be abundant.
When you are dealing with a new situation, adopt a cautious heart and mind rather than expecting success right away. Taking some thoughtful action usually brings success. It is tempting to try to enhance this success, but the wise person keeps calm and remains at ease.
Quote: Our perception of the world influences how we live in it, our consciousness sculpts reality.