Emotional turmoil begins with an initial perception of a sight, sound or thought which leads to a feeling of discomfort. When you feel that initial tug, remain steady, relax into the energy you feel, stay with the experience and let the energy move through you without getting stuck.
If we mistake our subjective viewpoints as something solid, permanent and never relative to circumstances, then we will have no end to our problems. Remember that everything is comparative, then we can move through life in a more dynamic way.
We cannot attain clarity and simplicity by avoiding the world. Do your work, take care of others, practice virtue without expecting any reward and when you understand the higher truths, retain an ordinary manner. This is true clarity, true simplicity, true living.
In order to influence each other, both parties should be sincere and free from judgement. Your heart and mind should be as pure as the clear sky and as open as the vast ocean. Thus, acting in harmony and being open you can accept all people without prejudice.
Quote: No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.