When we cling to thoughts and memories, we are clinging to what cannot be grasped. When one thought has entered and another has not begun, rest in that gap. Train in returning to that very moment; all compassion and inspiration comes from that gap.
Whatever comes to you, you must engage it somehow. You may receive it, you may alter it or you may let it pass. This way you will be in harmony with the essential nature of life. Full participation in all things is the surest way to success and happiness.
Realize that all things change, then there is nothing you will try to hold on to. You cannot control the future; you might as well relax into it and accept it no matter what it brings. There is an ancient tale that says whatever happens, you look at it without judgement and say, “some good, some bad”.
Some cultures have held respect for elders or reverence for ancestors in highest regard, as a sacred duty. Yet few of us see the point in all this: if we, as heirs, understand the perspective of heirs, if we know this in our hearts, we will be less inclined to be bad ancestors ourselves.
Quote: This is a subtle truth. Whatever you love you are. Rumi