In any situation we can find out what is true by studying ourselves very carefully, look at all your emotions, both the good and the painful; everything. There is a lot of encouragement to do this and self-cultivation gives us the method. You must find out for yourself what is true.
Peace and harmony are always available to you, it is not out there, something external to you, in books or somebody instructing you. Everything you need you already have, just open your heart and your mind and it will be right there. Look inside and feel it.
Passion and desire weave a binding net around you. Worldly confrontation and the trap of duality makes you stiff and inflexible. To change this, look inside your heart. Keep looking, keep listening too, until the sights and sounds disappear by them selves.
If you encounter hinderances at the beginning of an enterprise, do not try to force advance, but pause and take thought. However, do not let anything put you off your course, persevere and keep your goal in sight. But no matter how confident you are, nothing should be taken lightly.
Quote: The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore. Rumi