We are stuck in the same patterns of grasping and fixating, which cause the same thoughts and reactions to occur over and over again. When we see this even just for a second, we will naturally discover the knack of stopping these reoccurrences.
It is time to make a deeper commitment to our self-cultivation practice. We alone are the ones that can transform ourselves and make something of our life. Once we make the decision of a sustained and disciplined self-cultivation practice, all things will come to us.
There is nothing more futile and frustrating than relying on the mind. We need to quiet our thinking, stop analyzing, and making distinctions between one thing and another. Simply see that you are one with the universe and accept all things as being part of you.
In order to grow we need support from others, they are a source of strength to help us achieve our goals. To gain their support, you need an attitude of truthfulness and sincerity. Your fame and position will grow, not by accident, because it is based on the law of cause and effect.
Quote: Use what talent you possess; the woods would be silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.