Negative shame is accompanied by guilt and self-denigration. It is pointless and no help to us, in fact it will cause us harm. Positive shame is when we have harmed ourselves or anyone else and feel sorry for having done so; this allows us to grow from our mistakes.
Humanity’s problems are not metaphysical. They are personal. If you do nothing, you slip towards darkness. If you give the least bit of effort toward the light, you will be helped. The more effort you put towards the good, the greater you and humanity benefit.
Being of service to others without expectation of reward, not talking about it. Just practice this way of being and you will be rewarded with the way you feel about yourself. We are always doing things, but there is always more to do. Just step back and ask yourself, “Is all this doing necessary”?
It is an incentive for you when good starts to prevail to join the upward trend, but don’t be carried away by the current of the time. We must adhere to what is right and be aware that everything is transitory because descent must follow every rise; this is a natural law.
Quote: Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.