Do not judge or try to grasp whatever arises in the mind. What we call good or bad we should simply acknowledge as “just thinking”. Let all thoughts come and go as if touching a bubble with a feather. This practice prepares us to stop struggling and discover a fresh unbiased state of being.
Tradition gives you support for your endeavors, but you must be capable of manifesting your traditions in a contemporary setting. If you are an expert in some ancient tradition, you must be able to manifest the power of that tradition today, if you cannot there is no reason to keep it.
We cannot keep a past moment, the present moment cannot be held, the moment of the future cannot be caught. We are possessed by ideas of the past, preoccupied with images of the future, but we overlook the plain truth of the present moment.
In order to influence each other, both parties should be sincere and free from judgement. Your heart and mind should be as pure as the clear sky and as open as the vast ocean. Thus, acting in harmony and being open you can accept all people without prejudice.
Quote: We meet no ordinary people in our lives.