Let things that enter your life wake you up. To do this be open, be curious, accept everything that comes along and let it teach you what it will. You can try to do everything to make your world perfect, but the old stuff always appears, until you have learned your lesson.
Why go through all the rigmarole? Just keep everything as simple as possible. Reduce everything in complexity, to its simplest solution, so that there are no contradictions. This practice of keeping all things simple will give you untold pleasure.
We are stuffed with trivia, the more trivia the more anxieties. We are led to believe consequences are grave when we fail to distinguish good from evil. Don’t become obsessed with trivialities, be open and accept all things as they are and share this simple idea with others.
When we are dealing with mistakes and errors of others, do not dwell on them. Just simply pass them over, that is if they are unintentional transgressions, and forgive misdeeds right away. Then conditions will ease and we can make our way back to ordinary conditions as soon as possible.
Quote: Why are we all trying to outdo each other when we have all come from the same home? Rumi