Being alone is usually something we choose not to invite in, we desire to escape it, and find someone to keep us company. Try having a relaxed nonthreatening relationship with loneliness, this may completely turn our usual fearful patterns upside down.
All things are relative to their surroundings and to us. Things may be subtly different to someone else, but there will be differences worth considering. We must engage fully in life to become aware of these differences and be constantly aware of their subtle changes.
Embrace simplicity and integrity, consume only the needs of your body and soul. Allow your love and concern for others to define your essentiality. If this is not enough, stay in your center and let all things take their course, thus you will benefit a hundredfold.
Political structures change as do nations, but life and our basic life’s needs remain eternally the same, these needs cannot be changed no matter our education. Your real education comes from self-development and self-cultivation, working with what you have.
Quote: Being kind to yourself is not indulging yourself.