We cause harm to ourselves by not having the courage and respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently. We cause harm to others by our actions, speech, and thoughts. Not causing harm is the basis of an enlightened society and the beginning of a sane world.
As long as we continue to learn, welcome new ideas, find new ways of doing things, and continually expand our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, then we are engaging in the ultimate creativity of ourselves. This continuing act of creativity keeps us young.
Study the teachings of the ancients, dissolve all concepts of duality. Be of service to others without expectation of reward and gently eliminate all obstacles to your own understanding of the subtle truth by being humble and maintaining unconditional sincerity.
The beginning of all things lies still in the form of ideas that have yet to become manifest. We have the creative power to lend form to these archetypes of ideas. Once you see causes and effects with clarity, you will have success in giving actuality to these ideas.
Quote: Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.