The way to dissolve our resistance to life is to meet it face to face. Even if you resent the weather; if it is raining enjoy the wetness. Appreciate all things, look closely, open your mind, let go of resentment to things that you can do nothing about.
We should have regular times to be alone. These times will bring us clarity and serenity, enabling us to bring these understandings to our social relationships. Whether with others or alone, you will keep this clarity and serenity, then you will enjoy being with others more.
The ancients were amazed at the harmony of natural law that reveals an intelligence of such superiority. In comparison with it, all the systematic thinking of human beings is an insignificant reflection. This understanding is all you need for guidance in your life.
The words and deeds of the past can be used to strengthen and elevate your character. When you study the past do not confine yourself to knowledge of history, but apply that knowledge to give actuality to the past and begin with these teachings.
Quote: The very center of your heart is where life begins – the most beautiful place on earth.