The more you open your heart, the more challenges come along that make you want to shut it. The more you practice loving kindness, the more you are going to see everything about yourself. You cannot do this work in a safety zone; you must go about living your life like everyone else.
All cultures know a mystical core that emphasizes continuing refinement, meditation, and unification with the greater cosmos. If you have a spiritual or meditation practice, practice it more and you will be thoroughly sustained and rewarded by this continued practice.
Settle your mind like the universe settles the stars in the night sky. Connecting your mind to this subtle origin it will become calm and then it naturally expands, and ultimately your mind becomes as vast and immeasurable as the night sky.
A project still in its beginning that has not been challenged, brings no blame since there has been no opportunity to make mistakes. Remain conscious of the difficulties to be overcome and this will keep you from arrogance and wastefulness.
Quote: To create new habits first make a small effort.