What we struggle with all our lives are just ordinary experiences. Everything is unpredictable, so we need to stop struggling against the nature of reality. Life does continually go up and down. Recognize this to be real and true, and you will be able to relax with things as they are.
Watch animals, they know how to remain still and conserve energy. They do not dissipate themselves in useless activity, but instead withdraw into themselves to recharge. This activity can be called meditation, the purest and most natural expression you can have.
If you want to reach a state of knowing you cannot do this by solely striving for it to benefit yourself. This state of knowing can only be achieved by practicing undiscriminating virtue and service, this way the ultimate subtle truths and inner knowing will follow.
When you discover you are distancing and alienating yourself from others, you need to set about eliminating that which blocks your way. Rouse yourself inwardly, with moderation and goodwill, hasten to that which supports you, then all occasion for remorse will disappear.
Quote: Be careful you might catch yourself smiling.