When you keep your heart and mind open, you feel and emanate a sense of immense well-being. This feeling gives you a sense of being fully human, you want to be with friends when they’re in trouble, and you will become a real help to the poor aching earth that supports us.
If you cannot solve a problem all at once, reduce it to small more manageable packages. Do not wait for everything to be perfect before you start something; you will wait forever. Work with the current of life and you will find that success comes from building on small things.
Without good and evil we simply live totally in our human natures, not compromising anyone else. Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself, just step out of its way. Do this by living a virtuous, selfless life and being of service to all.
In difficult times, if you are unable to exert influence because the fundamentals are all wrong and fruitful activity is rendered impossible, do not accept dazzling offers to take part in public activity. Hide your work, withdraw into seclusion and wait for the times to change.
Quote: Silence is not the absence of something, but the presence of everything.