As long as we run away from discomfort we are going to get caught in a cycle of unhappiness and disappointment. Instead ask yourself, “Can I touch the center of my pain? Can I sit with suffering, yours and mine, without trying to make it go away and let it open me?”
If you cease exercising your body, mind and spirit they stop growing and they begin to atrophy. We can only grow when we are challenged, so everyday find some way to challenge all aspects of yourself. You can find the way to do this by being open to the idea of growing.
Realize and admit when you make a mistake, then set about correcting it. Consider a person who points out your faults as your most benevolent teacher. Think of your enemy as the shadow you cast and do not meddle in the affairs of others, and you will be a light to all.
What is required to hold human society together is that we unite with others. This is accomplished by sincerity in forming relationships with a common goal. If others want to join with you, they should be welcomed and those who wish to leave should be let go.
Quote: I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them.