In these times we really do not have a choice but to learn, practice and follow the ancient teachings. Not only will our friends and family benefit, but the rest of the world as well. We all have the wisdom to create a wholesome, uplifted existence for ourselves and others.
We can be thankful for the harvest and riches the autumn time of the year brings us. It is a time of festivals and celebrations as we prepare for the upcoming winter days. Look at the harvest moon and celebrate the yin of life, the peace, solitude and stillness of what is to come.
We know that the manipulations of the mind are dreams and delusions. This causes your life to become chatter and contradiction. Hold one idea and another competes with it, soon these two will conflict with a third. Keep your mind undivided and let things go, just be.
Work with nature, start early in the morning, this will help you keep your inner composure and clarity of mind to deal with daily events. Having inner composure and clarity of mind and being free of selfish aims will enable you to help people and the world.
Quote: Into each life some rain must fall.