In any situation we can find out what is true by studying ourselves very carefully, look at all your emotions both the good and the painful, everything. There is a lot of encouragement to do this and self-cultivation gives us the method. You have to find out for yourself what is true.
All living things move and grow; this is the primary point of this existence. Meditation should be part of your existence but should have a proper duration, it should not dominate all else. In time, meditation can become a natural expression of yourself.
You can accept everything, truly extend your goodwill in every direction, or you can deny everything, recognizing that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth. Both paths lead to the spontaneous awareness of the harmonious oneness.
People will give up counselling you if you think you know everything, so be humble, and keep your mind open and free so it can listen to and be receptive to good advice. If we cannot be influenced ourselves, we cannot influence or help others.
Quote: It’s not what you say, it’s what you do.