Meditation takes us just as we are with our confusion and our sanity, it gives us time alone with ourselves. This complete acceptance of ourselves as we are, or unconditional friendliness, is a simple direct relationship with the way we are.
Meditation is not a supplementary activity. It is not mere relaxation and stress reduction. When you meditate, select a place where you won’t be disturbed with nature close by. This way you can slip into serenity and this will help bring your humanity into focus.
We can know the world, but first we must know ourselves, we can do this without going anywhere. Live a quiet, simple life, free of ideas and concepts, find contentment in the practice of undiscriminating virtue. This will become a sanctuary for yourself and all beings.
Letting go means forgiveness, forgetting and releasing old grudges. When an individual’s consciousness is not holding such blockages, there is no negativity, tension, defenses or stress because one is free and there is opportunity to choose a different way.
Quote: Learning without close association with others is like learning to swim without water.