If we look for that soft heart we guard so carefully, we can’t find it, all we find is a kind of tenderness with some sadness. This sadness is not about somebody mistreating us. The sadness is an inherent sadness, unconditional sadness, this is sometimes called the genuine heart of sadness.
Success only comes from the threat of failure. Without that pressure, we would not plan, utilize wisdom or exercise care. We must make our decisions as best we can and, as we mature, we will be able to see our way better.
There are three things to treasure: simplicity, patience, and compassion. Simple in your actions and thoughts and you return to the source of being. Patience with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Whoever shows compassion in defense will stand firm.
When you feel stuck, co-operation with others on a common goal and, with concentration on this goal, this will help you dissolve these barriers. If you are free of all selfish exterior motives and are united in this joint task or goal, this can dissolve the hardness of egotism.
Quote: The way to get out of the box is to no longer believe in the box.