Life keeps coming just like waves on the ocean, they just keep coming. Some knock you down, but just keep getting back up and keep walking. After awhile you notice the waves appear to be getting smaller, the key is to keep getting back up.
When you begin self-cultivation, make up your mind to go the distance. Commit yourself fully to it and have the perseverance and discipline to stick to it even when times are difficult. Commitment and discipline are two of the most precious words to live a rich full life.
The goal is to be content with our simple everyday lives, in harmony with nature and free of desires. When there is no desire, all things are at peace. Take care of the wellbeing of all things, by accepting responsibility for the energies you manifest, actively and subtlety.
In difficult times, a task can be accomplished by caution and deliberation. If we wish to achieve something we first need to investigate the forces and bring these forces to bear in the proper place and the proper time. First we must be at the correct standpoint ourselves; only then can we work correctly.
Quote: Feelings are more central to our lives than reason, in that they dominate most of what we do, and even form the basis of our moral judgment.