Our reaction to suffering is usually habitual, we feel cheated or resentful. Recognize suffering as suffering, then you can be curious and mindful of your reactions. We can then act without judgement and with intention we can then start to clean up our act.
With determination you can accomplish things you never thought possible. Set goals and plans with determination, but along with determination goes effort. Look at the things you want to accomplish with a sense of playful determination, make a game of it.
Being of service to others without expectation of reward, not talking about it, just practice this way of being and you will be rewarded with the way you feel about yourself. Then look inside yourself, be quiet, and you will find truth and contentment.
If a person or persons are annoying you, sometimes it is best not to engage them, instead retreat with dignity and reserve. When you carry retreat out correctly, it is a sign of strength. Through perseverance and single acts of resistance we prepare for the counter movement.
Quote: If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.