Work with your own unacceptable stuff rather than struggling against it. You do this with loving kindness for yourself. Instead of perceiving there is a problem, just keep your mind and heart open to whatever arises and maybe there is no problem.
Why do we make the choices we do? Our choices are constrained by many things, economic circumstances, and society with its’ mores. Maybe other people have their own idea of what we should be doing, but it is us who assigns the meanings to objects and relationships.
Unless you accept yourself, you cannot let go of yourself. Be like the forces of nature; when it blows there is only wind, when it rains there is only rain, when the clouds pass the sun shines. Open yourself, trust your natural responses and everything will fall into place.
True greatness depends on being in harmony with what is right and doing things in harmony with the established order. We should go on quietly and perseveringly working at the removal of resistance; then success will come. The less power you apply outwardly, the greater the effect.
Quote: Do things with your whole heart, with as much intensity as you are capable of.