Negative shame is accompanied by guilt and self denigration. It is pointless and no help to us, in fact it will cause us harm. Positive shame is when we have harmed ourselves or anyone else, and feel sorry for having done so. This allows us to grow from our mistakes.
If you contemplate our world, you will soon come to a great sense of wonder at the perfection of the universe and nature. In our own small way, we must create and bring order to our lives every day. We must be responsible, and at the same time express the wonder of all that is human.
The ancients were amazed at the harmony of natural law that reveals an intelligence of such superiority, in comparison with it, all the systematic thinking of human beings is an insignificant reflection. This feeling is all you need for guidance in your life.
When times are bad, submit to them and remain quiet. It may be impossible to counteract the conditions of the time. It is not cowardice, but wisdom, to submit and avoid actions. A law of nature is at work, evil is not destructive to the good alone, but inevitably destroys itself as well.
Quote: To worry and grieve over the chaos of the world is like weeping into a river to increase its water in fear of it dying up.