Hope and fear come as a sense that we lack something, that something needs to change. Holding on to hope and fear robs us of the present moment. Abandon hope, everyday just say to yourself, “Every day in every way I am getting better and better”.
Poets find great inspiration from places in nature. We too can find inspiration from places in nature. These places can give us untold energy; whether we use this energy for good or bad is up to us. Find time to go out into nature on a regular basis look for those places that inspire you.
We often feel that others require tolerance, but there is no such thing as tolerance, because there is no such thing as other. Give up all ideas of individuality and extend your goodwill without prejudice in every direction, never judging and never resisting.
Only a collective moral force can unite the world, such times of unification will leave great achievements behind them. Human woes usually come because of unexpected events against which we are not forewarned. We should prepare ourselves for unforeseen events or unexpected change.
Quote: If the only prayer you say in your whole life is “Thank you,” that would suffice.