Whenever you feel uncomfortable and don’t know what to do, find some place to look at the openness of the sky and experience the freshness; free of hope and fear, just completely open. This open space permeates everything and is available to us every moment of our lives.
It is the mind that directs the energy, but what of the mind can we call definite? It is like a flickering flame, at no point can we determine its contours. The more closely we examine ourselves, the more subtle distinctions become and everything becomes quite indistinct.
To accept all things means to hold no anger or resistance towards anything; rid yourself of any concept of separation. Foregoing antagonism and separation, you enter into the harmonious oneness with all things. Acceptance is the very essence of life.
Like the cycle of the seasons, there is also a cycle of good and bad times. When unfavorable times come, practice patience; waiting for the change back to favorable times. Do not become attached to the times as change, like the seasons, is inevitable.
Quote: What is felt in the mind emerges to form the body.