When others have problems, let them be, do not give advice or try to solve their problems for them. If they ask you for support, listen attentively, you will find this to be the most help you can give them. They know their problems best and usually will come up with a solution on their own.
Emotions are transitory and are not a good way to make decisions. Everyday you must make decisions, every decision you make has an effect on your life. Before you go down any path consider it carefully. Rivers very rarely reverse their course.
Settle your mind like the universe settles the stars in the night sky. Connecting your mind to this subtle origin, it will become calm and then it naturally expands, and ultimately your mind becomes as vast and immeasurable as the night sky.
When you receive a sudden shock presence of mind is easily lost. You overlook all opportunities for action and let fate take its course, but if you allow the shocks of fate to induce movement within the mind you will overcome the external blows with little effort.
Quote: If you are going to do something do it really well.