When we act out or tell someone off there is some relief for the moment, but it doesn’t last. If we surrender and drop the story line, there is tenderness under all that harshness. Being kind to ourselves, we become kind to others, this will bring us the relief that we want.
If you want liberation and freedom, transcend all identities, wealth or poverty, good or bad, all duality makes no difference. True freedom comes from understanding the oneness and connectedness of all things. Such a realization leads to a perception that all things are truly equal.
Embracing a simple, honest, and virtuous way of life returns you to the subtle essence of life. If your practice of these truths is only partial your transformation is only partial as well. Adapt these universal truths as a way of life and you will become whole.
People will give up counselling you if you think you know everything, so be humble, and keep your mind open and free so it can listen to and be receptive to good advice. If we cannot be influenced ourselves, we cannot influence or help others.
Quote: There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.