Others will show you where you are stuck. They say or do something and you automatically react in your familiar ways of shutting down or getting worked up. Without others provoking you, you remain ignorant of your habitual responses and cannot transform yourself.
Not everybody wants to practice self-cultivation with a consistent daily practice. It is all right to be distracted once in a while, but you need to be cautious and come back without missing too much. Creating a strong perspective is the root of wisdom and harmony.
Never hoard anything, share your possessions, the more you share the greater your abundance. The more you do for others, the happier you will be because you are doing it for yourself. The less you hold on to, the easier it is to give yourself to others.
Growth does not need to mean that size changes: when we learn to unlearn what no longer serves us, we may even get smaller and better, do more with less and yet hold more of the world in our grasp. But our job is to give these gains value, and not merely learn they are there.
Quote: Life is growth and motion; the most fatal illusion is a fixed point of view.