Do not judge or try to grasp whatever arises in the mind. What we call good or bad we should simply acknowledge as just thinking. Let all thoughts come and go as if touching a bubble with a feather. This practice prepares us to stop struggling and discover a fresh unbiased state of being.
Some call themselves masters or prophets, but the aim is to transcend all identity. Having someone call you by a title is an interference you do not need. When you are seeing the greatest wonder of your life, the last thing you want is to have someone blocking the light.
We live by rules and have a way of living that has been given to us by our parents and institutions. We have the power to transcend these entrapments for an alternate way of life. We can live in a world of love, respect, and beauty by just giving up our addictions taught to us by others.
When you undertake an enterprise in extraordinary times, you need to be very cautious. Enterprises will not succeed unless the utmost caution is taken at the beginning and laying of the foundation. Once you have a firm foundation the rest of the enterprise will fall into place.
Quote: If pleasures are greatest in anticipation, just remember that this is also true of trouble.