To relate to others compassionately is a challenge, it means not shutting down on that person, but first not shutting down on ourselves. To do this requires openness, not fixating or holding on to anything, communicating from the heart and being present for that person.
You will never know the essence of life as long as you seek to observe life like viewer and subject. The absolutely essential nature of life can only be comprehended by merging fully with the flow of life, so that you are utterly part of it.
Respond to things in the appropriate way; if asked, answer appropriately. A good word can rationalize a selfish act, and a good deed can sometimes serve as a mask for living extravagantly from the misery of others. Therefore, all words and deeds must come from your heart, no motives.
If you are in a leading role, you should be humble, sincere, gentle and magnanimous, willing to seek harmony with others. Once you have achieved success do not become too proud of it, remember the greatest gift we can give is our gratitude.
Quote: Work, play, same. Confucius