Sharing the heart is a practice that can be used any time or in any situation. When you encounter pain in your life, breathe into your heart and recognize that others also feel this. Whether it is a pleasant feeling or a burden, think of others. This training will benefit us tremendously, and everyone else as well.
There is injustice in this world, yes, but there is no need to add to it. When you see someone less fortunate than you, express compassion. When you see someone more advanced that you, try to learn from them. Any other feelings are superfluous.
Without good and evil we simply live totally in our human natures, not compromising anyone else. Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself, just step out of its way. Do this by living a virtuous, selfless life and being of service to all.
If you find yourself confronted by insurmountable limitations, know where to stop. If you understand this and do not go beyond the limits set, you will accumulate an energy that enables you when the time comes, to act with great force.
Quote: It may seem insignificant what we do, but it is very important that we do it. Gandhi