Life is a good teacher and a good friend; things are always changing. That off-center state we feel with change is the ideal situation where we can open our hearts and minds beyond limit. That state is a very tender, nonaggressive, open-ended state.
Solstice is a time of culmination; it is only a barely perceptible point. Remind yourself of the cycles of existence. All cycles have a left and right, an upside and a downside, a zenith and a nadir. All of life is cycles, and all of life is balance.
Keeping to the receptive allows the creative to rise. The creative and the receptive are complementary sides of the same process. To be creative accept the world as it is and return to the innocence of childhood and become receptive to all that comes your way like a newborn.
Wait for the proper time to accomplish things one has planned. Waiting does not mean giving up. During the period of waiting, cultivate self-confidence, steadfastness and uprightness and be cautious in every step; then the outcome will bring good fortune.
Quote: It does not require many words to speak the truth. – Chief Joseph, Nez Perce