The concept of problems and solutions can keep us stuck thinking there is a right way and a wrong way. We need a more open-ended approach; it is more about keeping your heart and mind open to whatever arises, without hope of fruition.
When nature and life events do not act according to our wishes, we need to adapt to the circumstances. Knowing how to put aside personal priorities in order to fill the demands of the times is among the greatest of skills.
To embrace all things means to hold no anger or resistance towards anything, rid yourself of any concept of separation. Foregoing antagonism and separation, you enter into the harmonious oneness with all things.
All things change, prosperity is followed by decline. Evil can be checked, but not permanently abolished, it always returns. This idea might produce melancholy, but should not. It ought only to keep us from falling into the illusion, when good fortune comes to us it will not last.
Quote: The focus of our awareness becomes the realty or our world.