We don’t open our hearts and minds to others because it confuses us, and we don’t feel brave or sane enough to open up. To help us open up look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else’s eyes.
Life acquires meaning when we face the conflict between our desires and reality. Sometimes things we want just come to us, but most of the time it takes effort to make things happen and to achieve our goals. This effort is what brings meaning to our lives.
To save the world, develop an awareness of the subtle truths, calm your mind, follow the ancient teachings, merge your virtue with the universal virtue and extend it to the world without expectations of reward. This way you will find the truth.
When times are bad, submit to them and remain quiet. It may be impossible to counteract the conditions of the time. It is not cowardice but wisdom to submit and avoid actions. A law of nature is at work, evil is not destructive to the good alone, but inevitably destroys itself as well.
Quote: Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours.