When we see bad habits in others, let them be. If they ask you for support, do so. The best support you can give them is to listen and just be present. It is amazing when people talk about their problems, they will usually come up with the answers themselves.
We sometimes feel that a divine being is intervening in human affairs. There is no divine reason why things happen, we have to accept what happens as a natural, sometimes random, occurrence in life. However, such a viewpoint does not preclude any notion of the divine.
As society grows more intelligent, there seems to be less happiness and more trouble because intelligence is not the same as wisdom. You can find happiness by being modest, simple and truthful. By this way of living, you will discover your original pure nature, and the innate wisdom of the universe.
If we can bring ourselves to set aside pride and follow the examples of good men good fortune will result. If we associate with people sharing the same views and come together in full public knowledge, without selfish motives, then you are in harmony with the times.
Quote: Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. – Kierkegaard