When we think something is going to bring us pleasure or misery, we really don’t know what is going to happen. Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. We don’t know if it is the end of a story or the beginning of a great adventure.
Faith should not be shaken because bad things happen to us. We need faith, not because there are beings that punish and reward us, but because faith in a supreme being is a wonderful way to describe things that happen to us.
Without good and evil we simply live totally in our human natures, not compromising anyone else. Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself, just step out of its way. Do this by living a virtuous, selfless life and being of service to all.
What has been spoiled by man’s fault can be made good through man’s work. Once we know the causes of decay, we must not recoil from working diligently on them even if it is dangerous. We must work tirelessly towards improving conditions in the world.
Quote: The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.