You should never have expectations for others, just be kind to them. If people mess up, do anything you can to bring some happiness into their lives. Setting goals for others can be aggressive, really wanting a success story for ourselves. Just be kind to them.
Whatever your method of self-cultivation is, prayer, meditation or exercise, do it every day. It is inevitable that you will gain a sense of well-being from it. A constant practice gives you a sense of satisfaction and you can take comfort in the momentum it gives you.
It is a universal law that what you say and do determines what happens in your life. If you think this law is external to you, your desires will trouble your mind and you will be in constant turmoil. Recognize that you and this law are one. Therefore, cultivate yourself, bring moderation to your life and clarity to your mind.
Music has the power to ease tensions within the heart and loosen the grip on obscure emotions. From times immemorial, the inspiring effect of the invisible sound that moves all hearts and draws them together has mystified mankind.
Quote: In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.