Do not shut anyone out of your heart and don’t make the other into an enemy. When we open our hearts, we can’t make things completely right or wrong anymore. Trying to find absolute rights and wrongs is a trick we play on ourselves to feel secure and comfortable.
Today is the 108th day, an important number to the ancients. Numbers are important in our lives, but are only symbols, a way to project order on to the universe. Numbers, from a world with mysteries to explore and exploit, if our understanding is deep enough.
We will know others by what we do ourselves. You will know families by what you contribute as a family. You will know the world by what you do as a planetary citizen. How do we know this? Because we know that each part is the whole and the whole is in each part.
Don’t let yourself get swept away by unfavorable circumstances or let your steadfastness be shaken. You can avoid this by maintaining your inner peace, remaining outwardly calm and yielding. By doing this we can overcome the greatest adversaries.
Quote: Letting go of everything will bring peace to your heart.