When you keep your heart and mind open, you feel and emanate a sense of immense well-being. This feeling gives you a sense of being fully human. You want to be with friends when they’re in trouble and you will become a real help to the poor aching earth that supports us.
Accept what comes your way without doubt and without fear of it. Trust your inner knowing. This knowing will never betray you; such trust will dissolve all fear and regret. This trust and knowing is all you need to resolve all inner conflicts you may have.
Shining the light on yourself will never boost your eminence. If you cling to things like your work, you create nothing that endures. Realize the other as yourself and you as the other and learn to let go, you will find peace and happiness in your life.
If we can bring ourselves to set aside pride and follow the examples of good men, good fortune will result. If we associate with people sharing the same views and come together in full public knowledge, without selfish motives, then you are in harmony with the times.
Quote: What you need is always right there in front of you.