What we struggle with all our lives are just ordinary experiences. Everything is unpredictable, so we need to stop struggling against the nature of reality. Life does continually go up and down. Recognize this to be real and true and you will be able to relax with things as they are.
Fate, we think is a force that interferes with our lives, wrecking things at the worst moments. Yet what we call fate is nothing more than the consequences of our own actions. Each time we act we create a chain of events that is tied to us completely.
There is a powerful force which exists that is always available to you. When clarity and purity are cultivated, it reveals itself. When sincerity is unconditional, it unveils itself. If you are willing to live by it, you will see it everywhere, even in the most ordinary things.
If we remain at the mercy of moods, of hope and of fear aroused by the outer world, we lose our inner consistency of character. Such experiences are not merely effects produced by the outside world, but consequences evoked by your own nature.
Quote: Compassion is what connects all things.