What seems undesirable in our lives doesn’t have to trigger habitual reactions. We can let it show us where we’re at and let it remind us that the ancient teachings encourage precision and gentleness, with loving kindness towards every moment.
We all have many voices, personalities, ambitions and tendencies within ourselves. The ability to distinguish between them and the ability to silence all the voices except the one in our heart is imperative if we are to reach a state of well-being.
If you give up all concepts, judgements and desires, your mind will be naturally compassionate and you will find in your experiences the central truths of the art of living (which are paradoxical only on the surface).
When disagreements crop up, general unrest can easily develop and we lay the blame on another. Stay calm and you will succeed in making things go well in the end. Slander will be silenced if we do not gratify it with injured retorts.
Quote: Feelings are more central to our lives than reason in that they dominate most of what we do and even form the basis of our moral judgment.