We have what it takes to wake up, we just need some encouragement to be aware of what we think, say, and do. By cultivating a mind that does not grasp at right and wrong, you will find a fresh state of being. This will ease our suffering.
No matter what the problem, it is important not to take it on whole or all at once. Break it down into more easily handled components, this way they can be managed easily. Even the greatest difficulties can be resolved when they are slowly reduced.
When things arise let them come. When things depart, let them go. Don’t possess, don’t expect. Practice undiscriminating virtue, take care of those who are deserving, also equally take care of those who are not. Time honored disciplines calm the mind and bring one into harmony with all things.
When your vital energy is stuck within, cooperation with others on a common goal and, with concentration on this goal, all barriers dissolve. If you are free of all selfish exterior motives and are united in a joint task or goal, this can dissolve the hardness of egotism.
Quote: Everything is relative.