Letting go of your security may seem uncomfortable and frightening, but it gives you a chance to see the world as it is. Be inquisitive about the unknown and the unanswerable question of what comes next because this awakens your own wisdom mind.
Walking in nature creates a unity of mind, body and spirit. Away from the rush and bustle of society one is free to observe natures lessons. There are a thousand meanings in every view, just open yourself up to see the scripture of the landscape.
To save the world develop an awareness of the subtle truths, calm your mind, follow the ancient teachings, merge your virtue with the universal virtue and extend it to the world without expectations of reward.
Political structures change as do nations, but life and our life’s needs remain eternally the same. These needs cannot be changed no matter our disposition or education. Your real education comes from self-development, this way our learning will penetrate the roots of humanity.
Quote: Thanks for everything, I have no complaints whatsoever. Sono