Life is glorious, but also wretched. Gloriousness, we feel inspired and connected. We get arrogant and look down on others. Wretchedness softens us up. When we know pain, we can be there for others. Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other; one inspires us, the other softens us.
Contemplative stillness turns us away from everyday clamor, allowing us to hear the subtle in our lives. When you don’t listen with your ears, you enter into a subtle sound of pure purity. The deepest sound you can experience is silence.
When we are in harmony with the natural laws we flourish together. Being content with the way things are, brings us constant renewal. View all things with compassion, while practicing humility; this will bring you energy and wisdom and help all sentient beings find peace.
In a highly developed society, every good person will succeed. No matter how lowly you feel, if you are ready to purify yourself, you will be accepted by all. You will attain a station where you will have fruitful accomplishments and gain recognition.
Quote: Opportunities multiply as they are seized – Sunzi