The more you open your heart, the more challenges come along that make you want to shut it. The more you practice loving kindness, the more you see something about yourself. You cannot do this work in a safety zone; you must go about living your life like everyone else.
In the midst of an extreme situation, the wise are patient. Whether the situation is illness, calamity or your own anger, know that healing always follows upheaval, because no matter how extreme the situation is, it will change.
If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place, because the mind is the governing aspect of human life. To correct your mind, stop thinking and clinging to things, avoid daydreaming and allow your original insight to emerge. Then your mind will be clear.
Energy that is renewing itself must be allowed to reinforce itself by rest. The return of health after illness, the return of understanding after estrangement, both must be treated tenderly and with care at the beginning so that the return may lead to flowering.
Quote: To simply say that we choose a new reality is not enough.