You should never have expectations for others, just be kind to them. If people mess up, do anything you can to bring some happiness into their lives. Instead of having big expectations for them and wanting them to live up to our ideals, just be kind to them.
Words cannot convey the beauty of a tree; you must see it to understand it. Language cannot capture the melody of a song; you must hear it to understand it. The same with life; the only way to understand it is to experience it. The words of the ancients are not the destination, just a map to help you reach it.
Achieve success without arrogance, without seeking glory, without violating others. Aggression leaches our strength and humanity, this invites disaster. Believe in yourself, don’t wait for others approval. If you accept who you are the whole world will accept you.
When you discover you are distancing and alienating yourself from others, you must set about dissolving these obstructions. Rouse yourself inwardly, with moderation and goodwill. Hasten to that which supports you, then all occasion for remorse will disappear.
Quote: Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you’d like to act.