As we train in opening our hearts, discovering the soft spot, we feel more joy and an openness we can trust. We do this by being present, training in mindfulness and unconditional friendliness, letting the process evolve naturally.
Manure is an excellent way to feed plants. Nothing in life is wasted, everything is useful if correctly applied. Therefore, even the seemingly bad things in life become fertilizer that will help us grow and become strong.
Trust the intelligence of your body, trust your natural responses and everything will fall into place. When you speak, speak with quietude and sincerity. Then your words will be long lasting. Being natural in this way, you embrace everything and everything embraces you.
When we discover good in others, imitate it. If you see something bad in yourself, get rid of it and be free. You can bring about success through receptivity to and love of the good. Good fortune is produced by selflessness in all things.
Quote: Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw