We can either question our beliefs or not. Either we accept our fixed version of reality or we begin to challenge it. When we train in staying open and curious, then dissolving our assumptions and beliefs is the best use of our lives.
Our consciousness is like sand in an hourglass; material on one side, the immaterial on the other. It is difficult to grasp a grain of sand, so don’t focus on the material. It is wisdom just to understand the movement.
First embrace simplicity and integrity, secondly consume only the needs of the body and soul, thirdly allow our love and concern for others define our essentiality, thusly we will benefit a hundredfold.
When we are dealing with mistakes and errors of others, do not dwell on them. Just simply pass them over, that is if they are unintentional transgressions, and forgive misdeeds right away. Then conditions will ease and we can make our way back to ordinary conditions as soon as possible.
Quote: You have everything you need, don’t ask for more.