Stop struggling with what occurs, look at its true face. Life is not about winning or losing, but ceasing to struggle. Just relax as it is, let this attitude spread to the rest of your life.
Success only comes with the threat of failure. Without that pressure, we would not plan, utilize wisdom or exercise care. We must make our decisions as best we can and, as we mature, we will be able to see our way better.
When we emphasize just the body with the exclusion of mind or spirit we are not balanced and this leads to exhaustion. Self-cultivation involves the holistic integration of mind, body and spirit. This way you achieve unity within and without.
When man’s vital energy is stuck within him, gentleness will break the blockage. Cooperation in a common goal, with concentration on this goal, all barriers dissolve. If you are free of all selfish exterior motives and are united in a joint task or goal, this is capable of dissolving the hardness of egotism.
Quote: Is this action good for me or somebody else? If not, don’t do it.